These guys have had no contact with civilisation, they've never heard of electricity or television, and they certainly can't speak English.
Yet somehow, they just know…

Things were going great until the plane made a low pass, and the locals spotted the 'Hillary '08' sticker on the cockpit…

Update: Thanks to Ace for linking. Also Jim, who has a fine take of his own on the story. Those poor hicks, clinging bitterly to bows and arrows and human sacrifice…
Also Rob at Say Anything (don't worry Rob, only liberals could possibly find a race angle in this, and we're long past caring what they think).
Jules Crittenden looks at the eco-angle…
I don’t know how big a carbon footprint these guys have, but the message here is pretty clear. If you want to save the planet and you aren’t living in a grass hut in Amazonia shooting arrows at passing airplanes, then you’re a chickengreenie.
Typical white person!
hahahahha love it
That was great. ROFLMAO
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